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A day in the life of Ascendium interns

Throughout the year, Ascendium offers internships across the company. In addition to helping teams with their work, our interns learn professional skills that increase their chances of getting hired once they graduate college. As an added bonus, interns gain insights and inspiration from working at a mission-driven nonprofit! Everyone at Ascendium plays a critical role in supporting our mission to make education and training beyond high school a reality for learners from low-income backgrounds, including our interns. Curious what an internship at Ascendium looks like? Interns on our Strategic Communications team have outlined what a day in their lives looks like.

Zoe: Digital Communications Intern

Zoe - Digital Communication Intern

On a typical day at Ascendium, Zoe monitors important project updates and schedules social media posts, while building her community management skills by helping to manage social media accounts, which includes engaging with audiences. She also gathers information regarding social media metrics and develops media strategies that will stand out to Ascendium audiences.

Zoe has loved how flexible it can be to work at Ascendium. “I have the opportunity to work from home a couple days a week, and I get to help establish a schedule that allows me to complete work and school simultaneously!”

While at Ascendium, Zoe has learned about new facets of social media, including discovering how to better engage audiences and tailor content. Along with these new skills, Zoe has used her creativity to generate content ideas in order to make herself an asset to the Ascendium team. In between tasks, Zoe takes advantage of the beautiful walking trails that surround the Ascendium headquarters.

Zoe shared, “Though my internship at Ascendium, I have had the chance to improve my communications skills by practicing leading meetings, taking part in training experiences, and learning how to boost a brand’s credibility and visibility.”

Aliyah: Graphic Design Intern 

Aliyah - Graphic Design Intern

To begin her day, Aliyah organizes her daily tasks, such as reviewing and incorporating edits into her current projects. She also spends time creating designs for new projects, using tools like Illustrator, After Affects, InDesign, or Premiere to get the job done.

Aliyah loves how much Ascendium gives back to its community. She said, “It is great to work at a company that prioritizes giving back! I have had the chance to take part in the Volunteer Time Off program, where I can volunteer during the workday! Not only is the volunteering experience a lot of fun, but it is also very rewarding and an excellent way to connect with coworkers.”

In her role, Aliyah has gained experience creating designs tailored to the goals of the company and has had the opportunity to increase her typographic skills producing eye-catching social media posts. Aliyah’s work ethic, adaptability, and collaborative nature have made her a valuable member of the Ascendium team.  

Aliyah stated, “Some of the benefits I have experienced working at Ascendium involve being trusted to take the lead on different design projects and opportunities to showcase my designing abilities. I have gained a network of trusted mentors to approach with questions related to work or professional development.”

Lily: Copywriting Intern  

Lilly - Copy Writing Intern

Lily typically spends her day researching, writing, proofreading, and editing social media posts and articles covering a variety of topics. As a result, she’s learned how to use editing software, match her grammar and style to Ascendium’s “voice,” and has used collaborative editing techniques to enhance her written work. By being receptive, enthusiastic, and positive, Lily has become an important team contributor!  

Lily reported that one of the best things about working at Ascendium is the importance placed on team building. “I remember that one of my first weeks at Ascendium included a “Team Day” where we got to analyze our professional strengths, followed by an afternoon at a bowling alley! It was a great way to meet and learn about my coworkers as a new hire.”

A lot of Lily’s work involves writing articles about Ascendium employees volunteering at local nonprofits. Through this task, Lily can establish connections to her coworkers spanning different fields and can also see the positive effects that Ascendium employees have on their communities!

Of her role, Lily said, “I have benefitted from the opportunity to establish connections with a group of reliable mentors, and I have been lucky to have the chance to navigate managing projects requiring diverse sets of skills.” 

While individualized roles afford for the growth of different skill sets and benefits, many advantages of interning at Ascendium remain the same across all positions. According to Zoe, Aliyah, and Lily, Ascendium has a supportive, inclusive, and engaging environment that provides easily transferrable skills. The company’s dedication to positive impacts and teambuilding boosts morale and encourages interns to put their best foot forward every day!